Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

Appearance is one of the women's current needs. Every woman surely have the desire to be with the beautiful people.

This does not tebatas on young women only. Women who work, bekeluarga, even women have children from all age groups and certainly want to have an interesting appearance.

A flat stomach with a slim body shape is the desire of all women. Excess body weight or skin menggelambir in the stomach are often seen as the main enemy of women.

However, women often can not obtain a desirable body shape. This is because:
• Pregnancy
• Penuaan
• Weight of the fluctuating
• Herediter / default
• Operation previous
This makes women often perform a variety of things to obtain the desired form of the body, such as diet, exercise, Akupuntur and others.

When all is no longer able to achieve the desired results then the tummy tuck into one of the options that can be considered.

Tummy tuck is a operatif action that aims to reduce the excess fat that gather in the stomach, reducing the skin-fold of the stomach, navel and mereposisi tighten stomach muscles so that the stomach to create a fast, flat and have a more youthful look.

Who are suitable to undergo a tummy tuck?
Tummy tuck can be performed on men and women although most tummy tuck patients are women. Tummy tuck can be performed on people who have a stable body weight, not smoking, have a purpose and a clear desire from the tummy tuck and would like to make this a more flat stomach.

There are several types of tummy tuck, the mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck which is adjusted to the circumstances and needs of the patient.

Mini tummy tuck aims to reduce the excess fat and skin on the stomach without improving the structure of the muscle belly and the navel without mereposisi. Mini tummy tuck is usually performed on people with 10% of excess body weight ideally.

While in the full tummy tuck, in addition to the reduction made by excess skin and fat on the stomach is also done on the muscle pengencangan. Navel repositioning is done in this process to get the form of stomach better. Full tummy tuck is usually performed on people with 30% of excess body weight ideally.

Operating procedures on how to tummy tuck?
The first step - Anesthesia
Anesthesi used are intravena sedation or general anesthesia. Elections anesthesia is tailored to the patient's condition.

The second step - Insisi
In the full tummy tuck done insisi (snippet) horizontally above the pubis and around the navel. Insisi Through this, the slack abdomen muscles and improved sewed back. Fat, and a network of redundant skin on the stomach will be removed.

Step three - Closing Insisi

The fourth step - Recovery
At the beginning of the period of healing will be there on the swollen area operations, and can not be painful to stand upright. In two weeks, the operation will be recovered and will be a flat stomach permanently.

Tummy tuck can not be done on woman planning a pregnancy in the future and also on women who want to decrease or increase body weight.

In this operation there are also risks, such as:
• Ex-wound operation is settled
• Hematoma (bleeding under the skin)
• Infection
• swelling
• Baal
• Risk anesthesia
• Fat necrosis
• nerve damage

Of course, such risks will be very low in the doctors who qualified in this field.

Of course cost is not small. Needed at least U.S. $ 5000-9000 to do this tummy tuck.

The decision to make a tummy tuck is a personal decision. Bijaksanalah in making decisions by considering every advantage and the loss will be.


Elvira, Sylvia D.. The Medical Mirror vol 34 no 6 / 159: Handling Psikologik on Obesity. 2007. Jakarta: Kalbe.
www.aestheticsurgeryjournal.org / home
www.newimage.com / Cosmetic-plastic-surgery / abdomen / tummy-benefits.aspx
www.plasticsurgery.org / patients_consumers
www.tulsaplasticsurgery.com / afterset.html

2 komentar:

  1. Hi there. I just want to add that after a tummy tuck is performed, it is of vital importance that the patient continues to lead an active healthy lifestyle to ensure that the results are long lasting.

    Tummy tuck Philippines

  2. Great Post, Tummy tuck, or Abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that removes loose skin and excessive fat from the abdomen and tightens the abdominal muscles.
    Tummy Tuck Indonesia


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